Abstract Book |
Overview of Agenda |
Detailed Agenda |
Day 1 Parallel session 1
Assurance Maladie au Rwanda Laurent Musango.ppt |
C3_PS01_09_pres03_Basile Keugoung |
C3_PS01_07_pres01_Identifying the poor Ghana revised |
C3_PS01_10_pres04 Newlands, Ukandu |
C3_PS01_08_pres02_AfHEA Scaling up Community Based Health Insurance Scheme |
Progressivity of the Ghanaian National Health Insurance Eugenia Amporfu |
Free care findings in Sudan – AfHEA |
Removal of User fees for MCH_BSC |
Moving toward universal coverage AS Ataguba McIntyre |
Day 1 Parallel session 2 |
Out-of-Pocket Spending on TB and HIV Infections |
Financement des systèmes de santé-WHR-Saly |
C3_PS02_10_pres01_Bertone-Meessen_institutional economic analysis_Burundi |
Fonds d’Achat des Sservices de Santé RDC Eddy Zola |
C3_PS02_11_pres02_Falisse & al. community participation AfHEA 2011 |
Modelling SA Pr Di Mcintyre |
Health care financing Cameroon Isidore.pptx |
Skilled care at birth in Namibia – Eyob |
MLI RH financing AfHEA |
Day 1 Plenary\Opening Ceremony |
AfHEA Opening Speech v4
Slides for ED Opening ceremony report
Day 2 General Assembly |
AfHEA Assembly Report 2011 |
AfHEA Gen Assembly 2011 |
Agenda of the 2nd GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF AfHEA.doc |
Day 2 Parallel session 3 |
12_03_2011_Achat des services _Modele-PresentationOrale-Fr.ppt |
C3_PS03_11_pres04_Willingness to pay for Voluntary Health Insurance in Tanzania.ppt |
AfHEA Hercot et al Userfee framework policy analysis-En final.pptx |
Evolusion of CBHI toward UC -AfHEA.pdf |
AfHEA Presentation_Is free care truly free and equitable.pptx |
Assurance Maladie Obligatoire Gabon AfHEA 2011 Laurent Musango.ppt |
PBF RDC AfHEA 2011 Makaya-Muvudi-Bertone-DeBorman.ppt |
PBF Uganda AfHEA 2011_Freddie.ppt |
Universel Health Coverage SA AfHEA 2011_Ataguba.pptx |
présention du Mali-AMESA- AfHEA.ppt |
User fees Burundi Manasse_AfHEA 2011.pptx |
Projet pilote Christian YAO.ppt |
User Fees Kenya-AfHEA-March2011-Antony.pptx |
The Impact of Micro-Health Insurance on the Access.pdf |
Day 2 Parallel session 4 |
AFHEA Conference presentation_PATH MVI_ Version March 16th.pptx |
KOUDOU-Orale-Fr.pptx |
J2_C3_PS04_11_pres04.pptx |
Presentation Afhea R.GUISSOU 16 mars.pptx |
PS04 10 dépenses du paludisme AfHEA 2011.ppt |
Vincent Okungu Waiting for chloroquine.ppt |
Day 2 Parallel session 5 |
AfHEA 2011 Presentation.pptx |
AfHEA presentation2.JN_final2.pptx |
AfHEA 2011 v1.pptx |
AfHEA presentation-Chijioke.pptx |
Household perceptions Ghana.pptx |
MLI_PowerPoint_Template_French_Senegal Ndack Finale (c).ppt |
Day 2 Plenary\Presentation of associations & networks |
ASEPS Sénégal AFHEA 2011.ppt |
CoBES Burkina Faso-AfHEA 2011.ppt |
CESCI- Côte d’Ivoire-AfHEA 2011.ppt |
WAHEN_AfHEA 2011.ppt |
NiHEA_Nigeria AfHEA 2011.ppt |
Day 3 Parallel session 6 |
Accès universel AfHEA 2011_Sylvain Nkwenkeu.pptx |
Couverture sanitaire universelle Sénégal AfHEA 2011 Maguette Guèye.ppt |
AfHEA Evelyn2011.ppt |
Equité et financement de la santé au Sénégal Aboulaye Baldé UCAD AfHEA 2011.pptx |
Balance scorecard Ethiopia AfHEA 2011- Rahel Gizaw.ppt |
Okorafor_AfHEA Oral Presentation_15 March.pptx |
Makinen Ghana presentation AfHEA template.pptx |
Universal Coverage.ppt |
MLI PowerPoint Template French.ppt |
Day 3 Plenary |
Accès financier aux services de santé AfHEA 2011 Alice NTAMWISHIMIRO.pptx |
Cesag Economie de la santé AfHEA 2011 Amani.pptx |
Atelier CoP FA_V4.pptx |
Emerging Voices AFHEA 2011 David Hercot.pptx |
Besoins de Recherche AfHEA 2011 François Diop.ppt |
Presentation Economie de la santé Saly 17 mars 2011 Amani.pptx |
IDRC_eng_AfHEA_17 March 2011.pptx |
Presentation EV for AFHEA.pptx |
Key messages from 2011 AfHEA final Pr DI.pptx |