2nd ECOVA Webinar: Cloud Recording Access
Dear Colleagues,
Please find the cloud recording of the Second Webinar for AfHEA’s ECOVA Project: “Rapid Assessment Review of Existing Policy, Legal and Governance Frameworks to Improve Research and Development Capacity and Infrastructure for Vaccine Production and Development in Africa”.
This webinar took place on June 14th, 2023 12:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time.
Please find the access details below:
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/mjjwkexA9pMvn-Y4s9AZB-_ea0GV6vyHiiVDu_qkbuJ6daBBs420_V3P73ywi8Oq.VQ49hRgxAa0pRKWP
Passcode: 0r^?w=Mw
Thank you,
AfHEA Secretariat