Health financing reform in Kenya – assessing the social health insurance proposal

Title Health financing reform in Kenya – assessing the social health insurance proposal
Year 2007
Author Carrin, G., C. James, M. Adelhardt, O. Doetinchem, P. Eriki, M. Hassan , H. v. d. Hombergh, J. Kirigia, B. Koemm, R. Korte, R. Krech, C. Lankers, J. v. Lente, T. Maina, K. Malonza, I. Mathauer, T. M. Okeyo, S. Muchiri, Z. Mumani, B. Nganda, J. Nyikal, O. Joyce, C. Rakuom, B. Schramm, X. Scheil-Adlung, F. Stierle, D. Whitaker and M. Zipperer
DOI /entity/health_financing/documents/cov-kenya_samj/en/index.html
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Full Text
Classification Other complementary initiatives


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