This policy brief is produced by AfHEA and draws on the proceedings of the Second AfHEA conference, held in Saly – Senegal from 15 to 17 March 2011. It is supplemented by relevant literature where necessary. It was compiled by Drs Irene Agyepong, Chris Atim, Francois Diop, Travor Mabugu, Diane McIntyre and Alice Soumare.
- Why is universal coverage important for African countries?
- What progress has been made towards achieving UC and what are the remaining challenges in moving towards universal coverage in Africa?
- What pre-payment mechanisms can be considered to support progress towards universal coverage in the African context?
- How can additional resources be mobilised to support progress towards universal coverage in the health sector?
- How can existing resources be used more efficiently and equitably?
- What roles should be played by different actors?
- How can tools for monitoring and evaluation towards UC be developed and strengthened?