How to partner AfHEA?
AfHEA is driven by a number of core values – AfHEA as a health economics, financing and policy organization recognizes the importance of efficient use of resources and therefore takes a serious approach to building on the principles of efficiency, accountability and trust.
- Work for AfHEA
- Partner AfHEA
- Support AfHEA
- Donate
Throughout the years AfHEA has had the opportunity to work with many volunteers from across Africa and the rest of the world.
Work for AfHEA
Strengthening evidence-based policy and policy decision-making in Africa – Greater African credibility and influence on the health policy decision making processes on the continent
Partner with AfHEA
Sponsorships of health economics and policy conferences & webinars. Contact us to explore ways of supporting AfHEA in any area of its activities and vision
Support AfHEA
AfHEA is open to receiving donations that will help the association to achieve its objectives and goals. Get in touch to discuss how you’d like to donate
Current Partners / Donors
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
World Health Organization (WHO) | Africa
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Other Partners
The Rockefeller Foundation
African Union
The World Bank
Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH)
Regional Bodies
World Health Organization (WHO) | Africa
West African Health Organization (WAHO)
African Union (AU)
West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)
East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC)
Africa CDC
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Universities & Research Institutions
Centre Africain d’Etudes Supérieures en Gestion (CESAG)
SPH, University of Ghana
SPH, University of Kinshasa
Health Economics Unit, University of Cape Town
Networks & Int. Dev’t Organizations
- International Health Economics Association (iHEA)
- Health Systems Global (HSG)
- International Decision Support Initiative (iDSI)
- Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Center (SPARC)
- World Bank
- R4D
- FHI360
- Palladium