Dear colleagues,
The co-chairs of the Scientific Committee and Management of African Health Economics and Policy Association (AfHEA) take this opportunity to politely remind practitioners and researchers in the areas of health economists and financing, health systems and policy, public health, implementation science, including policy makers and advocates etc. that the deadline for individual abstract submissions to AfHEA’s 5th scientific conference (to take place from 11-14 March 2019 in Accra, Ghana) will expire on 31st October 2018 at midnight. 
The deadline was extended to allow for additional submissions until October 31st, or until the available spaces are filled; whichever comes sooner, after which we will bring the abstract submission process to a close.

We therefore urge those who intended to submit abstracts but were unable to meet the August 31st deadline to do so at the earliest possible.  

The broad theme : Securing Primary Health Care (PHC) for all: the foundation for making progress on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Africa
  1. Health system strengthening
  2. The effectiveness of aid in the building of health systems
  3. PHC and Healthcare financing
  4. Factors affecting access to healthcare and efforts/challenges in securing PHC 
  5. Key methodological changes in health economics and policy analysis specific to Africa
  6. The role of research institutions and donors in building capacity in health economics and policy analysis
Abstracts may be submitted in English or French and must be structured as follows:
1: Structure of individual abstracts
  • Title of paper
  • Name, institutional affiliation, phone number and e-mail address of presenting author
  • Names of co-authors
  • 400-word maximum structured abstract in plain text or MS Word format (PDFs will be rejected), which indicates the background, aims and objectives of the research, the methods used, the key findings and the main conclusion(s). Abstracts submitted in MS Word must be in Times New Roman, font size 12.
Authors should submit individual abstracts online at 
2. Structure of proposals for organized sessions
  • Title of organized session
  • Principal organizer (Name, institutional affiliation, phone number and email address)
  • Co-organizers (Names, institutional affiliations and email addresses)
  • Session abstract: 400-word maximum structured abstract in MS Word format (PDFs will be rejected) that provides a summary of the session
  • Abstract of each paper (max 400 words in plain text or MS Word format): should include the aims and objectives of the paper and the key findings (do not include annexes). The maximum number of papers allowed for each session is 5. 
  • Abstracts submitted in MS Word must be in Times New Roman, font size 12.   
The proposals for organized sessions should be submitted online at
Please Note: The deadline for submission of proposals for organized sessions is 30 November 2018.

Detailed information on the abstracts submission process are available on AfHEA website and can be accessed via the link below:

For additional information or questions, kindly contact AfHEA via email:
We’d be grateful if you can share this information within your professional networks and we look forward to receiving your abstracts.  
Sincere regards,
Felix Abrahams Obi
(AfHEA Media Relations/Communications Officer)

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