The broad theme of the conference is: Towards Resilient Health Systems in Africa: The Role of Health Economics and Policy Research.

The sub-themes of the conference are:

  1. Decolonizing Health Economics and policy research and the drive for greater equity and inclusion.
  2. Vaccine economics: equity, distribution, financing, trade and the lessons learnt during the covid-19 pandemic.
  3. What adjustments are required to make health and health financing systems in Africa more resilient to pandemics?
  4. Cost-effectiveness of addressing social/underlying determinants of poor health vs. funding medical interventions.
  5. Building back better health systems: the role of innovation, multi-sectoral approaches and global financial architecture in building resilient health systems in Africa.
  6. UHC, politics, policy processes, and reforms during covid-19 pandemic.
  7. The role and use of data and evidence for policy decisions in a pandemic (the case of covid-19).
  8. Looking to the future: what plans are in place to mitigate the impact of covid-19 post the pandemic?

Health Economics, Public Health and Health Policy researchers in particular are encouraged to submit abstracts on this broad theme and its sub-themes or indeed on any other interesting, innovative, or topical African health sector or systems research which upon selection by our scientific committee may be presented orally or in poster format at the conference.

Conference Feedback

AfHEA 2025 Conference

Kigali, Rwanda

DATE  – 10th to 14th March, 2025


DISCOUNT  – 12% Off on both Business & Economy Class Fares to all participants departing from all Ethiopian Online Points to Kigali.

Sales Validity     – Fare Discount is Valid for Sales Till 14th March, 2025

Travel Validity   – 28th February, 2025 to 24th March, 2025

AfHEA 2025 conference

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