Congratulations Prof. Ama Pokuaa Fenny! Appointed Head of Economics Division & Associate Professor of Health Economics at ISSER, University of Ghana

Dear AfHEA Community, we are pleased to announce the recent achievements of one of our own, Prof. Ama Pokuaa Fenny! She has been appointed as Head of the Economics Division and promoted to Associate Professor of Health Economics at ISSER, University of Ghana! 🌍👏 Prof. Fenny is a long-standing member of AfHEA, whose dedication to advancing research, policy impact, and education in health economics is exemplary. Her commitment to health financing, universal health coverage, and mentoring young researchers has made a profound impact on the field in Africa and beyond. We are proud to celebrate this milestone with her and look forward to her continued leadership in public health and capacity building. Congratulations, Prof. Fenny! #HealthEconomics #AfHEA #Leadership #PublicHealth


Chère communauté d’AfHEA, nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer les récentes réalisations de l’une des nôtres, Prof. Ama Pokuaa Fenny ! Elle a été nommée Cheffe de la Division Économique et promue Professeure Associée en Économie de la Santé à l’ISSER, Université du Ghana ! 🌍👏 Membre de longue date d’AfHEA, Prof. Fenny a su démontrer son engagement pour faire progresser la recherche, l’impact des politiques et l’éducation en économie de la santé. Elle est engagée dans le financement de la santé, la couverture santé universelle, et le mentorat des jeunes chercheurs, ce qui a un impact profond en Afrique et au-delà. Félicitations, Prof. Fenny ! #ÉconomieDeLaSanté #AfHEA #Leadership #SantéPublique

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