Dr. Logan Brenzel
BMGF, Board MemberProfile
Dr. Logan Brenzel is a Senior Program Officer, Health Systems, Global Delivery Programs. Logan currently leads and manages a portfolio of grants related to health resource tracking, health systems evidence-to-policy, sustainability and institutional development of countries transitioning from donor support, and costing and financing of immunization and primary health care. She is a health economist with more than 35 years of health financing and development experience worldwide. At the World Bank, Logan supported policy and technical engagement on financing and health systems with Gavi, and spear-headed introduction of results-based financing.
She served as health financing advisor to the Minister of Health in Ethiopia and led USAID’s program of health care reform in Latin America. Logan has a PhD in Health Economics from the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health; an MS in Health Policy and Management from the Harvard School of Public Health; and Human Biology and Humanities degrees from Stanford University.
Contact: Logan.Brenzel@gatesfoundation.org; @loganbrenzel