Effect of Removing Direct Payment for Health Care on Utilisation and Health Outcomes in Ghanaian Children: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Title Effect of Removing Direct Payment for Health Care on Utilisation and Health Outcomes in Ghanaian Children: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Year 2009
Author E. K. Ansah, S. Narh-Bana, S. Asiamah, V. Dzordzordzi, K. Biantey, K. Dickson, J. O. Gyapong, K. A. Koram, B. M. Greenwood, A. Mills and C. J. M. Whitty
DOI 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000007
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed.1000007
Journal PLoS Med
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Full Text
Classification Other Complimentary UHC Initiative


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