Impact of Managed Health Care on the United States: Implications for Universal Health Care System

Title Impact of Managed Health Care on the United States: Implications for Universal Health Care System
Year 2009
Author R. Lepolstat, K. Golbeck, D. Kostelnik, S. Mandyam, D. Montero and S. Brown
DOI 10.1080/15433710902922284
Journal Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Abstract
Classification Quality
Abstract National public opinion polls conducted from 1991 to 2006 found that Americans believe that the quality of health care in the United States has been critically affected by managed health care. Nearly one third of those surveyed have delayed medical treatment because of the cost, and over 1 out of 10 Americans report that the quality of the care they receive is poor. Managed health care has limited the coverage and choice of medical treatment and decreased consumers’ trust and confidence in the system.


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