Promoting the Advanced Nursing Practice role in Latin America

Title Promoting the Advanced Nursing Practice role in Latin America
Year 2014
Author S. H. D. B. Cassiani and K. E. Zug
Journal Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Full Text
Classification Other complementary UHC initiatives
Abstract The healthcare environment in Latin America is exceedingly complex. Disparities in access to quality health care in addition to a diverse disease burden of both communicable and non communicable diseases continue to pose challenges for effective health resource allocation and delivery(1). Universal Health Coverage and Universal Access to Health (UHC/UAH) is an overarching goal of health systems emphasizing broad access to primary health care (PHC). Its implementation realizes the broadly held value that all people and communities should have equitable access to the quality health services they need throughout the life span without financial hardship. In May 2014, the Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) proposed the Strategic Plan for Universal Health Coverage (2). PAHO plans to support Ministries of Health in Latin America to incorporate strategic planning for UHC/UAH into countries health system, focusing on quality PHC. A primary consideration of UHC implementation is the composition of human resources for health (HRH), particularly nurses.


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