Pre-conference Workshop: Tracking progress towards Universal Health Coverage

Methods and Applications using the World Bank’s ADePT software, Stata and the World Bank’s Health Equity and Financial Protection Indicator (HEFPI) database

Workshop Date and Venue:

Date: March 11, 2019
Time: 8:00am-4:30pm
Venue: Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City, Accra, Ghana

The course provides participants with training in the quantitative methods used in health economics to measure Universal Health Coverage (UHC), defined as a situation where everyone – irrespective of their ability-to-pay – gets the health services they need, without suffering undue financial hardship.

Checking the first element of UHC (service coverage or SC) involves assessing the level of coverage of key health interventions and the degree to which coverage is unequally distributed in favor of the better off. Checking the second element (financial protection or FP) involves assessing the degree to which families suffer from catastrophic and/or impoverishing out-of-pocket health expenses.

This course introduces participants to the relevant concepts, measures and data. Specifically, the course will cover:

  • The principles of measurement of levels of and equity in service coverage, and of financial protection in health;
  • The practical measurement of these concepts, including the pitfalls in their operationalization using household survey data;
  • The World Bank’s Health Equity and Financial Protection Indicator (HEFPI) database and the HEFPI portal;
  • The computation of levels of and equity in service coverage, and of financial protection in health, using the World Bank’s ADePT software and pre-prepared household survey data;
  • The preparation of household survey data from scratch for the analysis of service coverage and financial protection; and the computation of levels of and equity in service coverage, and of financial protection in health, using the Stata modules CONINDEX and FPRO.

The course will be conducted by Dr Adam Wagstaff (Research Manager, Development Research Group), Dr Patrick Eozenou (Senior Economist) and Dr Sven Neelsen (Economist) of the World Bank.

REGISTER FOR THIS WORKSHOP Registration for this workshop is now closed

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