Explaining health inequalities in South Africa: A political economy perspective

Title Explaining health inequalities in South Africa: A political economy perspective
Year 2012
Author J. E.-O. Ataguba and O. Alaba
DOI 10.1080/0376835X.2012.730962
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2012.730962
Journal Development Southern Africa
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Abstract
Classification Equity
Abstract In South Africa inequalities in health have been extensively reported. The poor suffer more ill health than the rich. This paper discusses the need to understand the historical, social and political contexts and power relations that have shaped inequalities in South Africa. This can be achieved in part through a cohesive intersectoral approach that addresses ?the causes of the causes?. Yet more fundamentally, the authors suggest that success in tackling inequalities in health will only come when existing power structures in South African society are acknowledged.


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