Financing health care for adolescents: a necessary part of universal health coverage

Title Financing health care for adolescents: a necessary part of universal health coverage
Year 2015
Author C. Waddington and C. Samboa
Journal Bull World Health Organ
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Full Text
Classification Other complementary UHC initiatives
Abstract Adolescents – defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as persons aged 10–19 years – account for 1.2 billion or 18% of the world’s population. Adolescence is a crucial phase in human development, with rapid psychosocial and biological changes and it is often a period of experimentation and risk-taking. Health-related behaviours – such as patterns of alcohol use – affect physical and cognitive development, which can have an effect on long-term health. All these factors have implications for the types of health interventions that adolescents need. However, little is known about the impact of health financing choices on adolescents, a group rarely mentioned in the ongoing discussions about universal health coverage.


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