Health financing reform in Kenya – assessing the social health insurance proposal

Title Health financing reform in Kenya – assessing the social health insurance proposal
Year 2007
Author G. Carrin, C. James, M. Adelhardt, O. Doetinchem, P. Eriki, M. Hassan, H. van den Hombergh, J. Kirigia, B. Koemm, R. Korte, R. Krech, C. Lankers, J. van Lente, T. Maina, K. Malonza, I. Mathauer, T. M. Okeyo, S. Muchiri, Z. Mumani, B. Nganda, J. Nyikal, J. Onsongo, C. Rakuom, B. Schramm, X. Scheil-Adlung, F. Stierle, D. Whitaker and M. Zipperer
Journal S Afr Med J
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Full Text
Classification Policy; Health Insurance


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