‘More health for the money’: an analytical framework for access to health care through microfinance and savings groups

Title ‘More health for the money’: an analytical framework for access to health care through microfinance and savings groups
Year 2014
Author S. Saha
DOI 10.1093/cdj/bsu037
URL http://cdj.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/07/15/cdj.bsu037.abstract
Journal Community Development Journal
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Abstract
Classification Access
Abstract The main contributors to inequities in health relates to widespread poverty. Health cannot be achieved without addressing the social determinants of health, and the answer does not lie in the health sector alone. One of the potential pathways to address vulnerabilities linked to poverty, social exclusion, and empowerment of women is aligning health programmes with empowerment interventions linked to access to capital through microfinance and self-help groups. This paper presents a framework to analyse combined health and financial interventions through microfinance programmes in reducing barriers to access health care. If properly designed and ethically managed such integrated programmes can provide more health for the money spent on health care.


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