Universal Health Coverage: A Smart Investment

Title Universal Health Coverage: A Smart Investment
Year 2014
Author J. Rodin
URL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/judith-rodin/universal-health-coverage_b_6315414.html
Document Type Webpage
Document Availability Full Text
Classification Other complementary UHC initiatives
Abstract Just as a patient with a weak immune system is more susceptible to disease, the Ebola crisis reminds us that a nation with a weak health system is more susceptible to epidemics. This lesson is on our minds not only because of the crippling impact of the worst Ebola outbreak in history, but also because today is the inaugural Universal Health Coverage Day. Today also marks the second anniversary of the United Nations’ declaration in support of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), so that no one should fall into poverty to pay for the health care they need. A global coalition of more than 500 organizations, including the World Bank Group and the Rockefeller Foundation, are engaging citizens around the world in support of this goal as both a human right and a smart investment.


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