Universal Health Coverage Assessment Uganda

Title Universal Health Coverage Assessment Uganda
Year 2014
Author C. M. Zikusooka, B. Kwesiga, S. Lagony and C. Abewe
URL http://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=http://gnhe.funsalud.org.mx/Documentos/UHCDay/GNHE%2520UHC%2520assessment_Uganda.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm1Ubngj4vMwkNHL4px-sLkg00TAZg&oi=scholaralrt
Journal Global Network for Health Equity (GNHE)
Document Type Journal Article
Document Availability Full Text
Classification Access
Abstract This document provides a preliminary assessment of aspects of the Ugandan health system relative to the goal of universal health coverage, with a particular focus on the financing system. In the 2010 World Health Report, universal health coverage is defined as providing everyone in a country with financial protection from the costs of using health care and ensuring access to the health services they need (World Health Organisation 2010). These services should be of sufficient quality to be effective. This document presents data that provide insights into the extent of financial protection and access to needed health services in the country.


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