Winners of the PHC Financing Papers’ Competition

AfHEA is pleased to announce the results of the Primary Health Care (PHC) financing papers competition that ran from March to June 2015.


The winning abstracts were selected following a competitive blinded review process by a 12-member panel led by Dr. John Ataguba of University of Cape Town. The total number of abstracts received was 83; of which 15 were French and 68 were English. A total of 67 abstracts had lead male authors (representing 81%) and 16 had lead female authors (representing 19%).


The percentage score for all 83 abstracts ranged between 10% and 95% with the average scores following a normal distribution. However, the reviewers concluded that generally, the quality of the abstracts submitted was unsatisfactory for which they recommended capacity building of young researchers. This necessitated a decision by AfHEA to plan for a pre-conference training session on scientific writing for young researchers in September 2016 in Rabat – Morocco. Details on the pre-conference workshop will be made public in 2016. Such training may be replicated at regional levels in the future as may be required.

The top 4 winning abstracts include:




Abstract Title


Gerald Manthalu

The effect of user fee exemption on the utilization of maternal healthcare at mission healthcare facilities in Malawi


Konan Christian Yao

Analyse couts-benefices (ACB) prospective du programme de planification famille au Gabon 2015-2015


Jacob Novignon

Efficiency of primary health care facilities and fiscal space implications: evidence from Ghana


Oliver Kaonga

Does user fee removal policy provide financial protection from catastrophic health care payments? Evidence from Zambia


As advertised, authors of the 4 winning abstracts will each receive:

  • A cash prize of $5,000
  • Sponsorship to attend the 4th biennial conference in Rabat, Morocco scheduled for September 26-29, 2016
  • Mentorship support from AfHEA senior researcher(s) to develop their abstracts into full papers for publication in a scientific journal of their choice


In addition to the top 4, AfHEA also recognizes the effort made by the authors of the second-best set of 4 abstracts. They include:




Abstract Title


Henri Mundongo

Maitrise des charges de production integree dans un modele de gestion par la qualite pour la performance du laboratoire medical des cliniques universitaires de Lubumbashi, RDC


Seye Abimbola

‘The government cannot do it all alone”: Realist analysis of the minutes of community health committee meetings in Nigeria


Samia Laokri

Assessing outpatient care expenditures to inform universal coverage agenda: Baseline results from a quasi-experimental impact evaluation of a health systems strengthening project in the Democratic Republic of Congo


Joseph Dieleman

Estimating health spending by disease and injury, age, and sex in Zambia, 2000-2010


Authors of the second set of abstracts will each receive:

  • Sponsorship to attend the 4th biennial conference in Rabat, Morocco scheduled for September 26-29, 2016.


Once again, thanks to all those who submitted their abstracts. AfHEA is very optimistic that performance in the future years will comparatively be better as we chart a course of enhancing AfHEA’s position as a go-to resource for policymakers in Africa.  


Congratulations to the winning authors!!!


AfHEA Secretariat    

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