AfHEAAfrican Health Economics and Policy Association
Association Africaine d'Economie et Politique de la Santé
Second Conference of the African Health Economics and Policy Association (AfHEA)  
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The Poster presentations

(Saly, Palm Beach Hotel - Senegal 15th to 17th March 2011
This Draft agenda is updated frequently. Please keep on regularly visiting this page
(last update: 11th March)

Code Title Presenter
PT 1 Financing incidence of out-of-pocket spending for healthcare in Nigeria
Obinna Onwujekwe, Hyacinth Ichoku and Benjamin Uzochukwu
Obinna Onwujekwe
PT 2 Approaches to Development Partner Coordination in Five MLI Countries
Dr. Hortenzia Beciu, Amanda Folsom, Alison Ion, Marty Makinen and Aminata Kanu
Marty Makinen
PT 3 Equity in healthcare financing in Nigeria: A flow of funds approach
Olanrewaju Olaniyan
Olanrewaju Olaniyan
PT 4 Performance-Based Financing: The Forest, Not the Tree
Bruno Meessen, Agnès Soucat and Claude Sekabaraga
Bruno Meessen
PT 5 Public-private partnership towards tb control: incentives for retail pharmacies to distribute tb drugs in harare (Zimbabwe)
Travor Mabugu, Tsitsi Mupamombe 
Travor Mabugu
PT 6 Determinants of health care utilization among the elderly population in rural Ghana Amon Exavery
PT 7 Composition of pluralistic health systems: How much can we learn from household surveys? An exploration in Cambodia
Bruno Meessen, Maryam Bigdeli, Kannarath Chheng, Kristof Decoster, Por Ir, Chean Men, Wim Van Damme
Bruno Meessen
PT 8 Les soignants parallèles et l’offre des soins au Cameroun: Logiques, pratiques et perspectives
Yves Bertrand Djouda Feudjio
Yves Bertrand Djouda Feudjio
PT 9 Health Status and Vulnerability to Poverty in Ghana
Jacob Novignon, Justice Nonvignon, Richard Mussa, Levison S. Chwaula
Jacob Novignon
PT 10 Burden of abortion and other emergency obstetric care costs: risks faced by low income households in Burkina Faso
Ilboudo Patrick
Ilboudo Patrick 
PT 11 Variations in Out of pocket payment among different Socio-economic groups in South east Nigeria
Uguru Nkolika P., Onoka C., Onwujekwe O., Uzochukwu BSC
Uguru Nkolika P.  
PT 12 Connaissances, perceptions, attitudes et pratiques communautaires du paludisme parasitaire et anémie : évidences pour le suivi de l’impact des stratégies de surveillance
R. Tine, C.T. Ndour, P. Ndiaye, B. Faye, J.L. Ndiaye, A. Gueye, P. Magnussen, I.C. Bygbjerg, O. Gaye
Roger Tine
PT 13 Pré-financement communautaire de type mutualiste comme modèle d’accès aux soins de santé de qualité: représentation de la catégorie sociale Abbey du sud de la Côte d’Ivoire face à une telle initiative
Fofana  Memon
Fofana  Memon
PT 14 Phase pilote de la campagne Nationale de distribution de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticide à longue durée d’action pour une couverture universelle
Kokrasset Yah Colette, M. Eric Phollet, Dr Kouadio Bah Ives, Dr Fanny Assita
Kokrasset Yah Colette 
PT 15 Formation des médecins à la chirurgie essentielle pour l’offre de soins obstétricaux et chirurgicaux d’urgence
Fadima Yaya Bocoum, Abdoulaye Traore, Sennen Hounton
Fadima Yaya Bocoum
PT 16 Barriers to the use of needed care for children: An inference to look beyond universal health insurance
Olufunke A Alaba
Olufunke A Alaba
PT 17 Economic Aspects of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) in Africa: A Research Agenda
Djesika Amendah, PhD
Djesika Amendah, PhD

Download the list of poster presentations

Indications for the presentations

For poster presenters, please download the indications for Poster presenters
Please display your posters before the first session of the day of your presentation

Oral Presenters:
Time oral presentation : 20 mins
Facilities available: video projector, flip chart, simultaneous interpretation
Download the templates for your powerpoint presentation
PPT Layout EN
PPT layout FR

Be sure to make your presentation available the latest the day before your presentation Send it by email to and cc to


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