AfHEAAfrican Health Economics and Policy Association
Association Africaine d'Economie et Politique de la Santé
Second Conference of the African Health Economics and Policy Association (AfHEA)  
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Venue of the conference
The Conference will be held in Saly Portudal (Palm Beach), Senegal from 15th to 17th March 2011.
Palm Beach Hotel

The conference venue at Saly is a seaside resort located about 80 km from Leopold Sedar Senghor International Airport in Dakar, Senegal's capital, and 1h30 mn travel in light traffic congestion conditions. Please take this information into account in booking your travel and arranging your times of arrivals.
The conference fees include lunch for all 3 days of the conference, welcome reception and cocktail dinner on day 1 (15th March), and gala dinner on day 2 (16th March). Hotel lodging rate includes breakfast. This covers practically all meals during the conference days except dinner on the last day (17th March) which will not be provided by the organizers; participants are responsible for any meals not indicated above and for all meals on days outside the conference days.

Urgent messages for participants
All participants who have not yet sent their flight itineraries to our staff must do so without delay to avoid inconvenience on arrival in Senegal. Please send your exact itinerary with airline info directly to AfHEA's finance and admin officer, Ms Martine Cisse, who is organizing the logistic details including airport reception and conveyance to Saly, and do cc Note that we will have shuttles during the arrival times of all flights on which we have participants, no matter the scheduled hour, to convey participants who send us their flight details by Friday 12 noon GMT to Saly as they arrive. Some people arriving late in the night or early mornings have expressed fears about the transportation, we are here to allay any such concerns.

Those who do not confirm with us their arrival time with the flight itinerary by 12 noon GMT on Friday may however face some problems on arrival: you cannot be assured of transport from the airport, and more importantly, in order to avoid hotel charges for no-show participants, we are only giving the hotels the names of those who have confirmed their arrival to us. By confirmed, we mean either they have paid for the conference and got their receipts from us (in which case we will use their itinerary or registration information), or if they have not yet paid or obtained a receipt but have sent their flight itineraries in time, this too will be fine. 

Please address any questions to Ms Martine Cisse.

In order to reduce inconveniences for conference attendees, and to facilitate participant registration at Saly, all those attending the AfHEA 2011 Conference in Saly, Senegal, are kindly asked to please note the following:

  1. If you have paid your conference attendance charges and have a receipt from AfHEA, please do bring this along. You will find that your registration experience is much smoother for it.
  2. If you have paid your conference charges but have not got a receipt from AfHEA, please do bring along proof of the payment (bank transfer slip, etc). Without proof, you will not be able to obtain a badge and security would therefore not be able to clear you for entry onto the conference premises.
  3. If you intend to pay cash at the site, please remember you carry cash at your own risk, but a payment desk will be available and you will get a receipt and access to the conference once registered.
  4. Those whose participation is paid for by AfHEA will receive in the course of this week a signed letter to affirm their status, please bring that letter along. HEPNET attendees should bring along the letter they received with the offer of funding. This will be cross-checked against the official list before you are registered.

If you have any questions, please contact me at
Thanks to everyone for their understanding.
Martine Cisse
Finance and Administrative Officer, AfHEA


Information financière relative  à l'inscription

Dans le souci de réduire les éventuels désagréments et faciliter l’enregistrement   des participants à la conférence à Saly, Le comité d’organisation vous prie de bien vouloir prendre en compte les points suivants :

1. Pour ceux qui se sont déjà acquittés de leur frais de participation et qui ont déjà eu une réponse de confirmation de la part des organisateurs (AfHEA) à travers un reçu, l’enregistrement de ces personnes sera très facile.

2. Cependant pour ceux qui ont déjà payé les frais de conférence, mais qui n'ont pas encore obtenu un reçu des organisateurs (AfHEA), nous vous prions de bien vouloir apporter la preuve du paiement (bordereau de virement bancaire, etc.).

Sans ces éléments de preuve, vous ne serez pas en mesure d'obtenir un badge et ni  accéder à la salle  de conférence.

3. Pour ceux qui ont décidé de s’acquitter des frais de participation à l’arrivée, nous vous prions de prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires ; AfHEA déclinera toute responsabilité en cas de vol. Cependant, un bureau de paiement sera disponible afin de vous permettre de le faire dès votre arrivée et vous recevrez un reçu à cet effet.
Nous vous rappelons par ailleurs que le paiement se fera en dollars.

4. Pour ceux dont la participation est assurée par AfHEA, vous recevrez au cours de cette semaine une lettre signée attestant votre statut. Vous devez cependant vous munir de cette lettre pour faciliter votre enregistrement.

5. Les participants pris en charge par  HepNet doivent également apporter la lettre qu'ils ont reçue avec l'offre de financement. Cela permettra une vérification sur la  liste officielle avant l'inscription.

AfHEA déclinera toute responsabilité en cas de désagrément. Si vous avez des questions, nous vous prions de contacter  Martine Cisse à

AfHEA compte sur votre bonne compréhension pour une réussite totale de la conférence.

Martine Cisse
Administration et finance

Visa matters
All those who need a visa for entry into Senegal for the conference and who do not have a Senegalese embassy in their country to apply for one are requested to immediately send a scanned copy of their passport main page (with photo, other identity details, validity and number of the document, etc) to Ms Amsatou Doucoure of the World Bank in Dakar, at this email address: <>. Amsatou and the Bank admin staff have kindly agreed to help conference participants with the processing of their visa requests so that they can obtain a visa at the airport on arrival. Do please send the documentation by Wednesday 2nd March. All visa requests and questions should now be directed to Amsatou Doucoure.

Tous ceux qui auront besoin d'un visa pour l'entree au Sénégal mais qui n'ont pas d'ambassade sénégalaise dans leur pays sont priés d'envoyer une copie scannée de la page principale de leur passeport (page avec photo, détails de la personne, validité et numéo du document etc.) a Mme Amsatou Doucoure de la Banque Mondiale à Dakar, à l'adresse suivante: <>. Vous devrez faire ceci au plus tard mercredi 2 février 2011.

Amsatou et le staff administrative de la BM a Dakar ont eu la gentillesse d'accepter de nous aider avec les démarches pour l'obtention de visa pour les participants qui en auront besoin, afin qu'ls puissent les recevoir a l'aéroport de Dakar a l'arrivée. Désormais, veuillez envoyer toute question liée aux visas à Mme Doucoure. 

At your arrival
All necessary arrangements will be made by AfHEA, including a shuttle service, to facilitate the transfer of participants to Saly from the airport. It is important to send your itinerary and any updates to the AfHEA email address to assist in the planning for your reception.

For the avoidance of any doubts, please note that the shuttle service is included in the conference package and therefore free for participants. Moreover, the shuttle will be available on the 13th March (for pre-conference participants), 14th March (for all other participants), 17th and 18th March (for departing participants).

Before traveling, do not forget!
To take an insurance

To take your vaccines and your vaccination card with your hand luggage: yellow fever is obligatory in Senegal

Electricity: 220 volts. The connection of electrical outlets is different from that of English-speaking countries. You will need a plug adapter for your computer.

For presenters

For poster presenters, please download the indications for Poster presenters
Please display your posters before the first session of the day of your presentation

Oral Presenters:
Time oral presentation : 20 mins
Facilities available: video projector, flip chart, simultaneous interpretation
Download the templates for your powerpoint presentation
PPT Layout EN
PPT layout FR

Be sure to make your presentation available the latest the day before your presentation Send it by email to and cc to


Venue of the conference
Urgent message for participants
Visa matters
At your arrival
Before you travel

For presenters



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